Learning React 1

This year one of the goals is to learn React. First of all its the language the developers in my team use for the frontend so it comes in handy to know something about it. Secondly I find out that doing test automation would be a lot easier to have some basic knowledge about programming. After learning some basic JavaScript it is time to diving into the worls of React.  In this series of articles, […]

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Pull multiple git repositories

Do you recognize this too ? You have multiple git repos and want to update them all. After the 4th time cd and git pull it becomes a bit annoying. Thanks to an npm package you can make it a lot easier. The package git-pull-all pulls repo’s concurrent and because it operates asynchronous it works really well and fast. Installation and usage is very simple. Installation using npm :  $ npm install -g git-pull-all Usage […]

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Gitlab pipelines and the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Today a colleague explained how pipelines from gitlab are put together and how they work. A lot of information in a short time. To see if I’ve remembered everything correctly, and because it’s valuable information, I’ll try to summarize it here. Pipelines are the base component for setting up Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment for a software project. It is the main part for a DevOps way of working. The main part of a pipeline […]

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Mutation testing: when your test fail it is good ? – Part 1

We all know the feeling. Writing tests for hours, running them and they all went red. Disappointment, debug the tests , start all over again. But what if the test is successful if it is failing, what if the color red make us happy?  This is what mutation testing is. Although the goal is not to make our test red but a failing test is a successful test from the point of Mutation testing. So […]

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Whats is GraphQL ?

Today one of our developers demonstrate how they could implement GraphQL and showed the avantages of this product. My knowledge about GraphQL is nearly zero so this is a nice opportunity to find out what GraphQL really is and what can it do. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. Nice, but what does that mean?  GraphQL makes it possible to exactly get what […]

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